Attributed Stream-Hypernetwork Analysis: homophilic behaviors in pairwise and group political discussions on reddit
Complex networks are solid models to describe human behavior. However, most analyses employing them are bounded to observations made on dyadic connectivity, whereas complex human dynamics involve higher-order relations as well. In the last few years, hypergraph models are rising as promising tools to better understand the behavior of social groups. Yet even such higher-order representations ignore the importance of the rich attributes carried by the nodes. In this work we introduce ASH, an Attributed Stream-Hypernetwork framework to model higher-order temporal networks with attributes on nodes. We leverage ASH to study pairwise and group political discussions on the well-known Reddit platform. Our analysis unveils different patterns while looking at either a pairwise or a higher-order structure for the same phenomena. In particular, we find out that Reddit users tend to surround themselves by like e-minded peers with respect to their political leaning when online discussions are proxied by pairwise interactions; conversely, such a tendency significantly decreases when considering nodes embedded in higher-order contexts - that often describe heterophilic discussions.
In 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications